“I never got so intimate“ - Berrettini on filming for Netflix

“I never got so intimate“ - Berrettini on filming for Netflix

by Balasz Virag

Last updated

Matteo Berrettini was one of the players that filmed for the upcoming tennis documentary series Breaking Point and he talked about it recently.

The TV series made an effort to show what a tennis player's life is really like behind all the things fans generally tend to see. Some of the most private moments were filmed for the TV show and it was something Berrettini had to adjust to.

I think I had done a lot of marketing stuff, but I never got so intimate. Guys filming in your room or in the locker room talking to your team, having dinner with your family, getting to know my deepest connections and relationships. I think that’s something I’d never experienced.

On filming Breaking Point

Berrettini wrestled with the decision of whether to accept the offer because he's a generally private person. In the end he opted for it because it's a nice way for him to show fans who he truly is because most people only see a certain version of the players generally.

I personally like to be private and not say too much about myself, for example on my socials. But at the same time if you have a show like that that can show the people who I am in that way without filters, I think it’s something nice.

On reasons for accepting to film it

The best part of the show is that it's not really stagged. Certain things will be omitted but for the most part the show does a great at showing the real side of a player's life. Berrettini had many funny moments with the crew as he remembered it.

So many. I think hopefully they’re going to cut a lot because my team swears so much! We make fun of ourselves and everybody around us. Sometimes you have a mic on and it’s funny because we keep forgetting and obviously the crew also follows us and they got to know us.

While not really interested in seeing himself, due to being worried about how he'd come out, he'll be interested to see how some of the other players presented themselves. Speaking to ATP he revealed what interests him the most.

There are a few guys, I know them pretty well. But I want to know what they’re going to show us. Obviously Frances [laughs]. Casper for example, he’s really conservative. He’s really serious and I want to see if he’s going to loosen up a little bit and give us a little bit more. Taylor, I don’t know him that much so I’m curious how he is like in real life in a way that I’ll know more about him. Stefanos is going to be interesting as always.

Berrettini on what's he's looking for in Breaking Point

The series premieres on January 13th.


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