All our previews, which include player-by-player comparisons of ATP, WTA, and Grand Slam matches in one place.
We provide previews for certain matches. Our previews are hand-picked and may include any match from the ATP Tour, the WTA Tour, or Grand Slam matches, as well as matches from the Billie Jean King Cup, the Davis Cup, or exhibition tournaments such as the Laver Cup.
We usually pick the previews based on the attractiveness of the matches and the round of the tournament in which they are played. The previews usually summarize both players' journeys through the given tournament, as well as their form prior to the tournament, or general information about their qualities on the surface on which the match is played.
We aim to provide additional information about matches that may not be known to our readers, highlight the history between the two players in question, and compare them based on some standard head-to-head (H2H) metrics.
Our previews always include a table with information about both players' ages, their current position in the rankings, as well as the head-to-head score between the players. On top of that, the table also includes both players' records for the current season as well as overall career records.
On top of just providing information and a preview about each match that we preview, we also include our prediction for the match at the end of each preview. The prediction is a subjective opinion of the writer on how the match may unfold, usually based on the information provided in the preview.
Of course, the prediction should not be viewed as advice for any gambling picks. On the contrary, it's mostly meant to encourage our readers to discuss how the match may unfold and then better enjoy it as a result.