"He's a bit whiny but, off the tennis court, there's no better guy" - Stubbs on Andy Murray

"He's a bit whiny but, off the tennis court, there's no better guy" - Stubbs on Andy Murray

by Balasz Virag

Last updated

Andy Murray received the 2022 ATP award for humanitarian work and former doubles number one Stubbs praised the decision.

Murray won the award because he gave the entire sum of his 2022 prize money to the Ukrainian humanitarian effort. As a UNICEF Ambassador, Murray takes his job seriously and has donated more than $600,000 in total. On her show, Stubbs complimented the choice to give him his second humanitarian award and said that he is a truly nice guy.

"Obviously the guy has a lot of money. He clearly has made a lot of money from the sport of tennis but it's still well over half a million dollars to give away. It's pretty phenomenal," noted Stubbs adding: "That is his money, he earned, he's just one of the great guys."

Speaking further on Murray, Stubbs said that he gets a bad rep sometimes but generally he's a really great guy:

"He gets a bad rap. He's a little tough to watch sometime. He carries on at times on the court like a porkchop. We know that we've given him a crack about it. You know, he's a bit whiny, complaincy. But, off the tennis court, there's no better guy, there's no nicer guy, there's no funnier guy."


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