Williams, Gauff, Raducanu all facing unusual situation as tournament is moved because of weather

Williams, Gauff, Raducanu all facing unusual situation as tournament is moved because of weather

by Sebastian Dahlman

Last updated

The 2023 ASB Classic in Auckland is facing a potential disaster as the bad weather continues to plague the tournament.

With only two indoor courts available, tournament director Nicolas Lamperin has had to make the tough decision to move all remaining matches indoors on Thursday. This means that all second-round singles matches, as well as the doubles matches, will be played on the indoor court.

It's a decision that has received mixed reactions from players and fans alike, with some understanding the need for safety and others feeling that the tournament is losing its unique outdoor atmosphere.

One player who already experienced an indoor atmosphere in the first round is Sofia Kenin, who said: “Unfortunately we had to go indoors, but it was less windy, so that’s a problem I didn’t need to worry about,” Kenin said. “But the courts felt really fast, especially with who I played. She’s not an easy opponent and after the match I told my dad, I don’t know what’s better, to play indoors or outdoors against her, because she’s a really tough player."

Despite the challenges, Lamperin remains determined to complete the second round on Thursday. "We’re looking at the situation on a daily basis,” Lamperin said on Wednesday evening. “Today the priority was to finish the first round, so we had all the first round matches moved indoors."

"For tomorrow, we’re looking at a full schedule outdoors, with the option to move indoors, depending on the weather conditions. We’re not at the stage of having the players play two matches in a day. With that indoor option we can probably fit in the schedule."

This means that the tournament could potentially see a packed schedule on Thursday, with players potentially having to play multiple matches in a single day. It's a grueling prospect, but one that the players will have to face if they hope to advance in the tournament.

Therefore, Venus Williams, Emma Raducanu, Coco Gauff, Sofia Kenin and many more will all have to adapt to conditions and play their matches indoors.


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