Federer Reveals One Of His Kids Wants To 'Get Serious' About Playing Tennis

Federer Reveals One Of His Kids Wants To 'Get Serious' About Playing Tennis

by Zachary Wimer

Roger Federer never pushed his kids into tennis, but according to his recent words, one of his kids is pretty serious about pursuing the career.

For many, the Swiss Maestro is the greatest tennis player of all time. He doesn't have the most trophies or records, but nobody ever played tennis like he did. It was poetry in motion in many ways, and his sheer impact on the game is well documented.

Nobody came close to Federer's popularity around the world, and for many years, the Swiss was a synonym for tennis. He's not in the sport anymore, having retired in 2022, but the Federer name might return to it in the future.

Federer spoke recently to People Magazine, admitting that one of his kids is serious about playing tennis. He never pushed his kids into the sport, believing that they should find their own path, but it just happened that one of the kids took a serious liking to the sport that made their father world famous.

"No, I never pushed my kids into it. They do play tennis, and we ski, and we’re all learning to golf. We recently tried scuba diving. But the girls were never passionate about tennis, and I was relieved about it."

"The boys love their soccer. Leo is starting to show interest in getting serious about tennis. Lenny is much more creative, he’s very into drawing, reading."

Federer, of course, has four kids, two sets of twins, and they seem to have varying interests so far. It's great for the former world number one, who is enjoying life as a father very much.

"I used to have to sleep in in the mornings because of late matches. It’s completely different now. I get to wake up when the kids do and help get them ready.” (He notes that he's not the one flipping the pancakes — yet): I'd love to learn to cook!"


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