"Mind your business" - Azarenka doesn't like players being asked about retirement

"Mind your business" - Azarenka doesn't like players being asked about retirement

by Jordan Reynolds

Last updated

Victoria Azarenka has a problem with tennis media asking players repeatedly about their retirement and when it will happen.

Retiring from a sport you dedicated your life to is not an easy decision and it's not made overnight. That's why Azarenka feels like asking players constantly about their retirement doesn't make any sense and is a huge waste of time.

I feel like when there are players who are older, like me, older in tennis, not older in life, I'm very young still, I see a lot of people keep asking about retirement. Once they retire, it's like, We miss them. It's like let's not waste this time before everybody retires to talk about retirement. People will let you guys know when it's time, and that's kind of it.

Azarenka understands that the media's job is to find out information and whoever gets the first scoop will be in advantage but being asked all the time is really offputting to her. She would like the media to mind their own business when it comes to personal stuff like that.

But I see that coming up all the time, those comments. Oh, the age. You know, mind your business in a way. Like you really should mind your business.


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