Alcaraz Details His Celebratory Ibiza Vacation Ahead Of Grass Swing

Alcaraz Details His Celebratory Ibiza Vacation Ahead Of Grass Swing

by Zachary Wimer

Carlos Alcaraz celebrated his 2024 Roland Garros triumph with a short vacation trip to Ibiza, and he spoke about it in London.

The young Spaniard didn't take too much time off from tennis, as he will be back this week at the Cinch Championships, hoping to defend the trophy he won in the British capital last year.

However, he did go on a short trip to Ibiza to celebrate his victory at the French Open, and he spoke about it in London ahead of the ATP 500 event. The vacation lasted only three days, and it was in Ibiza, so it was within Spanish borders, but it was a good celebration, according to Alcaraz.

He further explained that he needs these breaks from tennis because he needs to keep his private and professional life separate, which is what they allow him.

So much time goes into tennis, and sometimes he just needs time away from the sport, which this short trip provided.

"I had a few days of vacation, with a group of friends. I had a good time celebrating Roland Garros. I need these things too. It is clear that each player is different, but for me, to have my best level I need to separate my personal life from tennis. Have my days off, be able to rest my mind, be with family and friends. Put the racket aside. It is a time that suits me very well."

Alcaraz on his vacation

As great as that short vacation was, Alcaraz is a dedicated tennis player, and he's already back to swinging rackets in London. A crucial part of the season is coming up for the Spaniard, who amazed the world on grass last year.

This year might be similar, but he'll need a solid start at Queen's Club because how last year's event unfolded played a major part in his Wimbledon performance.


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