'I Hope He Will Play Much Longer Than We Think': Federer On Nadal's Retirement

'I Hope He Will Play Much Longer Than We Think': Federer On Nadal's Retirement

by Zachary Wimer

Roger Federer shares the opinion of many that Rafael Nadal will hopefully play longer than this year because he's a legend of the sport.

The Swiss player knows exactly what it is for Nadal these days. He, too, had to battle his body for months before finally conceding defeat and retiring from the sport at the 2022 Laver Cup.

He did it in a doubles match with Nadal in London, and it was a very emotional but fitting ending for the sports icon. The Spanaird is no less of a legend in the sport, so everyone hopes that he can stay longer than it seems like he will.

He expects to retire from the sport this year because his body simply can't handle it anymore. It's very similar to Federer, but the Swiss player could play at an older age. Still, like many, Federer is hoping that he doesn't retire anytime soon.

"It’s very interesting to follow [the end of Nadal’s career] from afar. Because I know how I experienced the end of my career. Maybe it was a little different, since I didn’t play at all until the doubles (in the Laver Cup)."

Considering how close they are, Federer was asked if he has any intel about when and how Nadal plans to do it, but he denied knowing anything. Having gone through it himself, he knows how personal of a decision it is, and he'll just wait and see like everybody else. He hopes it won't come anytime soon.

"I think [choosing when to retire] is so personal. It’s up to him to decide how he wants to do it. I don’t have any information on that, and I hope that, in fact, he will play much longer than we think. But the question is his body, as he says very honestly."


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