Rafael Nadal faces $10 million lawsuit for backing out of a exhibition match in Argentina

| by Drew Tate

Rafael Nadal was supposed to play an exhibition event in Argentina however the negotiations failed with the other party threatening to sue.

The negotiation to take part in the event was handled by Nadal's agent Carlos Costa who, according to Lisandro Borges and Arturo Alacahan backed out of the negotiations at the last minute causing heavy financial losses for them.

The duo wanted to bring Nadal to Argentine and for a while it looked like it would happen, however, Nadal's agent pull the plug at the last minute. They filed a complaint in Argentina because of it. Speaking to Argentine TV, Borges said:

"One day, Nicolás Lapentti calls me. He's a former tennis player and event planner, and he had negotiated a tour to take Nadal to Ecuador, also for his brother Giovanni to take him to Mexico, and there was a date in Chicago, but they needed a fourth date because of Nadal. For less than four dates, would not have come on the tour for which 2.5 million euros would be paid on each date. For less than 10 million, he does not move."

Borges further blamed Nadal's agent:

"Carlos Costa has a percentage of what he gets for Nadal, it will be between 5 and 10%, I don't know, but when Fígoli appears and gives him 10 million dollars or euros, the guy wins a million and he didn't care at all. And he thought that since he was Nadal's manager, nobody was going to do anything to him, but it's not like that. Costa is a villain and I told him so, but nothing matters to him. He believes he can do whatever he wants because he has Rafael Nadal behind him and I'll tell you something. To bring a lawsuit against what is in my opinion the greatest sportsman in history, because his manager is a scoundrel, it does not amuse me, but the truth is that when someone causes you as much damage as this man caused us, we have no choice but to do it."

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